How To Keep Cat Out Of Crib Or Nursery (19 Easy and Simple Ways)

​Feeling anxious and overwhelmed to take care of a newborn while dealing with your other furbaby is completely normal. 

“How to keep cat out of crib or nursery” is normal to google if you’re an expecting parent with a cat.

Your feline can pee in the crib, scratch your baby, or worse!

I personally had no issues with my 2 cats when my baby arrived but if you’re wondering how to create a safe space for your baby when you have a curious feline friend who might be eyeing that cozy crib, then you’re in the right place.

In this article, you will learn safe, gentle, and semi-gentle ways to keep your cat away from the crib.

You’ll also get to know the ways to prepare your cat for your newborn, potential issues of letting your cats sleep in the crib and many more.

Without further adieu, let’s start with tips and tricks on how to keep your cat out of the crib or nursery.

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How To Keep Cat Out of Crib or Nursery

Here are some friendly and effective methods to keep your cat away from the crib:

Use Double Sided Tape

Placing double-sided tape around the crib serves as a clever deterrent. 

Cats generally dislike the sticky sensation on their paws, making them less likely to jump into the crib. 

Over time, your cat will associate the crib with an unpleasant feeling, reducing their interest in exploring it.

Just remember to only do this before your baby comes.

Use Foil

Foil is another textured material that cats tend to avoid. 

By placing strips of foil around the crib, you create a sensory barrier that discourages your cat from approaching. 

As the foil makes a noise when touched, your cat will likely steer clear of the crib to avoid the unfamiliar sound.

Again, this can only be done before your baby comes home.

Use Balloons

Do this a few weeks before your baby comes – prep the crib and put lots of balloons in it.

Jumping and popping a balloon would scare away your cats and it would be enough to keep them out of the crib and even from your baby’s room!

Use Plastic Bags

You can also use plastic bags to deter your cats from jumping inside the crib.

Again, this can only be done before the baby comes. 

Place a Baking Pan with Water 

Do this a few weeks before the baby comes – place a waterproof cover on the crib then place a baking pan filled with water on top.

When your cats jump in the crib, they will quickly jump out and stay out of it!

Spray the Cat with Water

A gentle spray of water can help deter your cat from venturing into the crib. 

Use a spray bottle with a fine mist setting and ensure the water is at room temperature. 

Over time, your cat will associate the crib with the water spritz and learn to avoid it.

Use a Cat Spray Deterrent

Cat spray deterrents can be effective in keeping cats away from the crib. 

Just make sure though that they are cat-friendly and non-toxic to cats.

Make the Crib Less Appealing

By adding baby crinkle toys or anything annoying and noisy for your cats, you reduce the available space for your cat to jump in comfortably. 

This makes the crib less inviting and less suitable for a cozy nap, discouraging your cat from hopping in.

Just make sure that you take it away when your baby is ready for their nap or bedtime sleep.

Use Cat Deterrent Motion Sensors

Cat deterrent motion sensors are smart devices that detect your cat’s movement near the crib. 

Upon detection, these devices emit a burst of air or a gentle sound, startling your cat without causing harm. With repeated exposure, your cat will learn to associate the crib area with this unexpected sensation.

Do Some Light Scolding

Gentle verbal cues, such as saying “no” in a calm but firm tone, can help communicate to your cat that the crib is off-limits. 

Be consistent with your scolding and ensure it’s done without raising your voice or causing fear.

Distract/Redirect Your Cat

Providing alternative sources of entertainment for your cats, such as interactive toys or scratching posts, can redirect their attention away from the crib. 

Engage in playtime with these toys to keep your cat mentally and physically stimulated.

Close the Door

This is the simplest yet most effective way to prevent your cat from accessing the crib. 

This technique also helps create a designated space for your cat and reduces its access to other potentially hazardous areas.

Install a Screen Door

A screen door allows air circulation while acting as a barrier to keep your cat out of the crib. 

This solution is particularly useful if you prefer to have the nursery door open for ventilation.

Keep the Crib Away from Furniture

Position the crib away from nearby furniture or surfaces that your cat could use as a jumping point to access the crib. 

By creating distance between the crib and potential launching spots, you make it more challenging for your cat to reach the crib.

Add Cat Furniture in the Nursery Room

Creating a cozy corner for your cat within the nursery provides them with an attractive alternative to the crib. 

A cat bed, scratching post, or a comfy cushion can make your cat feel included in the nursery without encroaching on the baby’s sleeping space.

Let Your Cat See the Baby

Allow your cat to observe the baby from a safe distance, helping them acclimate to the new family member’s presence. 

Supervised interactions and positive associations with treats can help your cat build a positive association with the baby.

Reward Your Cat

Whenever your cat avoids the crib or follows your cues, reward them with treats, praise, or affection. 

This encourages your cat to associate good behavior with positive outcomes.

Use a Baby Monitor

Using a baby monitor in the nursery room allows you to keep an eye on both your baby’s and your cat’s interactions. 

This helps ensure that both are safe and comfortable in their shared space.

Related Article: Where To Put The Baby Monitor (Safety Tips)

Increase Play Time with Your Cat

Engaging in play sessions with your cat helps expend their energy and reduces their curiosity around the crib. 

Interactive play, especially during times when your baby is doing tummy time or napping, can help divert your cat’s attention.

Things to Avoid If You Want Your Cat Out of the Crib

While we’re focusing on positive techniques, it’s important to mention a couple of things to avoid:

  • Getting Too Angry

While it’s understandable to feel frustrated if your cat keeps going into the crib, getting overly angry or aggressive can have negative consequences. 

Yelling or lashing out can create fear and anxiety in your cat, damaging the trust and bond you share. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and gentle training techniques to guide your cat away from the crib.

  • Peppermint Oil and Lemon

Peppermint oil is a strong scent that may be overwhelming for your cat and is harmful if ingested or absorbed through their skin. 

Cats have sensitive noses, and strong scents might stress them further. It’s best to explore other cat-safe deterrent methods.

The same goes for lemons – they are mildly toxic to cats.

  • Excluding Your Cat

Cats are creatures of habit and can become stressed if they’re suddenly denied access to spaces they’re accustomed to. 

Instead of shutting them out entirely, provide your cat with their own safe and cozy spot in the nursery where they can still feel a part of the family.

  • Unsteady Mesh Crib Tents/Crib Nets

Cats are agile and curious creatures, and they might attempt to climb or play with the mesh, leading to the tent collapsing or causing harm. Safety should always be a top priority, so be cautious and always check the durability and sturdiness before using these types of products.

Are Cats a Danger to Babies?

No, cats are not a danger to babies. 

Especially if you prepped your feline early on for your baby and you have also prepared your baby’s room weeks in advance.

But it is important to be cautious when introducing them to a baby’s sleeping space as your cat’s curious nature might lead them to explore the crib, potentially posing a risk to your little one.

Reasons to Keep Cats Away From The Crib

While there are a lot of benefits to raising a child alongside pets, it’s important to exercise caution and avoid allowing your cat to sleep alongside your newborn, because of the following reasons:

  • Your cat can sit or lie down on top of your newborn and inadvertently obstruct your little one’s breathing.
  • Cats could engage in self-grooming near your infant and might bring in feces in the crib.
  • Your cat can shed its fur and your baby may eat the fur!
  • Some cats can exhibit unpredictable behavior and may suddenly scratch or display aggression.
  • Cats might unintentionally disturb your baby’s sleep or cause discomfort.

Of course, not every cat can pose a threat to babies.

My 2 cats certainly weren’t and pretty much left my baby and the crib alone the whole time.

Just consider these possible risks, especially if your feline tends to be clingy and moody.

Can Cats and Babies Co-Exist?

Yes of course, cats and babies can co-exist! 

If there are dog parents with babies, then there are also cat parents with human babies, with all their “kids” coexisting harmoniously. You just need some thoughtful preparation and training.

It’s all about finding the right balance and ensuring both your feline friend and your bundle of joy feel loved and secure in their shared home.

Preparing Your Cat for Baby

Getting your cat ready for the arrival of your baby is essential for a smooth transition. Here are some tips:

  • Set the Nursery Room Early

Prepare the crib and remember to keep it away from other furniture, so your cat won’t be able to jump in the crib. 

  • Prep Your Cat for Changes in Advance

If you need to change the location of their litter, do it months or weeks ahead. If you need their chill spot for a baby, do it in advance. 

Gradually introduce any new routines, furniture, items, etc., to avoid sudden surprises.

  • Play Baby Sounds

Familiarize your cat with the sounds of a baby using recordings or videos. Let them the wails, and cries of a baby, so they’ll get used to it.

  • Give Them a Secure Space

Create a safe retreat for your cat where they can relax and retreat if needed.

  • Plan Some Time with Your Cat

Remember to allot some time in still bonding with your cat, to reassure them of your love and attention. Put it in the calendar if necessary.

  • Clicker Train Your Cat

Positive reinforcement training can help establish boundaries around the nursery.

  • Be Consistent

Consistency is key – apply the same rules and routines to help your cat adapt.

FAQ on Keeping Your Cat Out of Your Baby’s Crib

Why Do Cats Go in Baby Cribs?

Cats go in baby’s crib because they are naturally curious and may find the crib a cozy spot to explore or nap.

What Are Crib Nets That Keep Cats Out?

Crib nets are mesh covers designed to prevent cats from entering the crib.

How Do I Stop My Cat From Coming into My Bedroom?

You can stop your cat from coming into your bedroom by using similar techniques as keeping them out of the crib, such as deterrents and positive reinforcement.

Can Newborns Be Safe Around Cats?

Yes, newborns can be safe around cats, with proper preparation, training and supervision.

Can Cats Suffocate Babies?

Yes, cats can suffocate babies. While rare, there have been cases of cats unintentionally lying on infants, which just highlights the importance of supervision.

When Can My Cat Sleep With My Baby?

Your cat can sleep with your baby if your cat is properly trained and if your baby is more independent and can easily push off the cat if it does try to lie down on their face.

How Do Cats React to Newborn Babies?

Cats may show curiosity, cautiousness, or indifference. Proper introduction and preparation can help ensure a positive reaction.

How to Keep Cat Out of Crib or Nursery: Wrapping Up

If it’s a bit late for you to prepare and train your cat for your baby, then just try your best to be patient and understanding with them.

Preparing yourself and managing your expectations can help.

Over time, if you start implementing the methods mentioned above consistently, your cat will eventually get it. They will more or less, understand that they can’t jump and lay in the crib because your baby is there.

I hope this “how to keep cat out of crib” article was helpful.

If you like this guide, then make sure to check out How to Keep Cat Out of Bassinet, Safe Sleep for Babies, and Baby Hates Crib.
