Baby Moves Around In Crib While Sleeping (Why And What To Do About It)

I remember when my baby would end up sideways or would turn 180 degrees in her crib, while still fast asleep.

It was amusing, confusing, and concerning all at the same time.

If your baby is doing this too and you have questions, then you’re in the right place.

In this guide, you’ll get to know the benefits and potential risks of your sleeping baby moving too much in their crib, as well as what to do when this happens.

But let’s start first with why your baby moves around in crib while sleeping.

Why A Baby Moves Around In Crib While Sleeping

Because of Their Sleep Cycles and Patterns

Just like adults, babies have sleep cycles that consist of light sleep, deep sleep, and active sleep phases. 

During these cycles, they might move, squirm, or even make cute little noises. 

So, if you notice your little one moving around, know that it is perfectly normal and healthy for them to shift their body during these different sleep stages.

Because of Baby’s Immature Nervous System

Babies have an immature nervous system, and sometimes, it can cause them to experience sudden jerks and movements while they sleep. 

This might resemble the Moro Reflex and active dream states, where they involuntarily twitch or move their limbs.

Because Baby Is Ready To Roll

As babies grow and develop, they reach milestones at their own pace. 

One exciting milestone is learning to roll over. So, if your baby is younger than six months of age and you find them turning 180 degrees in their crib, don’t fret – it’s a sign of their advancing motor skills!

Because of Comfort

Babies are experts at seeking the most comfortable position for themselves. 

They might move around in their crib while sleeping to find that perfect spot where they feel secure and cozy.

Because of Medical Reasons

Sometimes, your baby’s movement could be due to general discomforts, like a wet diaper or teething discomfort. 

If your baby is restless, try to identify any potential issues and address them accordingly.

Baby Moving a Lot While Sleeping: Why Is That Good?

  • Enhancing Neurological Development Through Movement

All that wiggling and squirming play a vital role in your baby’s neurological development. 

These movements help to stimulate their brain and build important neural connections.

Related Article: Best Cause and Effect Toys and Activities For Babies

  • Strengthening Muscles and Bones Through Movement

When your baby moves around in their crib, they are unknowingly engaging and strengthening their muscles and bones. 

This is essential for their overall physical development.

Related Article: 21 Fun Tummy Time Activities and Ideas for Newborns and Older Babies

Baby Moving in Crib While Asleep: Why Can It Be Bad?

  • SIDS and Safe Sleep Guidelines

While it’s normal for babies to move around in their sleep, it’s essential to follow safe sleep guidelines to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Always place your baby on their back to sleep and avoid any loose bedding or soft objects in the crib.

  • Legs Getting Stuck

Sometimes, babies can get their legs stuck between crib slats while moving around. 

To prevent this, ensure the crib’s spacing adheres to safety standards.

Find out more ways here on how to keep your baby’s legs from getting stuck in the crib.

  • Sleep Disruptions

If your baby moves too much and frequently wakes up, it might disrupt their sleep patterns and yours. 

Ensuring a safe and comfortable sleep environment can help alleviate this issue. Get to know some tips and techniques here on how to make your baby sleep longer at night.

What To Do If Your Sleeping Baby Keeps Moving In Their Crib

Don’t Panic

First and foremost, don’t panic! It’s perfectly normal for babies to be active sleepers, so there’s really no need to worry about it. Especially if they can already move their neck and head independently.

Keep A Safe Sleeping Space

Follow safe sleep guidelines to create a safe sleeping space for your baby. This includes a firm mattress, a fitted sheet, and no loose bedding or soft objects.

Establish Healthy Sleep Habits and Routines

Having a consistent sleep routine, such as the eat, play, and sleep routine, can help your baby understand when it’s time to sleep, promoting better sleep quality.

Use Gentle Sleep Training Methods

If you feel your baby’s movements are causing sleep disruptions, consider using gentle sleep training methods, like the shush-pat method to encourage self-soothing and better sleep patterns.

Improve Baby’s Gross Motor Skills

To help your baby with their developmental milestones, engage in activities during awake time that encourages gross motor skills, like tummy time and supervised play.

Should You Move Baby While They’re Asleep?

For the most part, you don’t really need to move your baby if they’re asleep. Except of course, if you feel uneasy about it or if your little is in an obvious uncomfortable position.

Baby Stuck in Tummy Position

If your baby rolls onto their stomach while sleeping but can’t roll back yet, gently turn them onto their back to reduce the risk of SIDS. Keep practicing tummy time with them, to make their neck stronger, so they’ll eventually be able to turn their head on their own.

Related Article: Baby Sleeps Face Down In Mattress

Baby Stuck Sideways in the Crib

If your baby frequently gets stuck sideways in the crib, but they’re fine, then no need to worry. But if you’re worried about their legs getting stuck between the crib rails, then install a breathable mesh liner.

Baby Stuck In the Corner of the Crib

If your baby keeps ending up in the corner of the crib, consider using a sleep sack or wearable blanket to keep them cozy and centered.

Related Article: Best Baby Sleep Products

Baby’s Legs Stuck Between Crib Slats

If your baby’s legs tend to get stuck between the crib slats, consider using a breathable mesh liner and securing it properly.

If Your Baby Starts Rolling In Crib, Take Note Of This!

  • Keep Your Hand On Baby During Diaper Changes

Once your baby starts rolling, it’s essential to keep one hand on them during diaper changes to prevent any sudden movements.

  • Keep An Eye On Continuous Rolling

You can use a playpen to ensure that your baby will still be safe if they’re rolling around too much during playtime.

Related Article: Is a Playpen Necessary (Pros, Cons, And What You Really Need To Know)

  • Remember SIDS Prevention Tips

Always remember to follow SIDS prevention guidelines to provide a safe sleep environment for your little one.

FAQ: Baby Moves Around in the Crib

Why does my baby move so much at night in the crib?

Your baby moves so much at night in the crib primarily because of their various sleep cycles, and their movements are a natural part of these sleep patterns.

How do I stop my baby from moving around in his crib?

You don’t need to stop your baby from moving in their crib. It’s a normal part of their development. Instead, focus on creating a safe sleep environment.

Why does my baby move around a lot while sleeping?

Babies move around during sleep to enhance their neurological development and strengthen their muscles and bones.

Why does my baby keep rolling around in the crib?

A baby keeps rolling around in their crib as it’s a part of their developmental milestone, and your baby might be practicing this new skill.

When To Speak To A Doctor About Your Sleeping Baby Moving Too Much:

If you’re concerned about your baby’s movements or if they are experiencing discomfort or pain during sleep, it’s best to consult your pediatrician. So listen to your gut feel. You are the best person who can tell if your baby needs to see a doctor or not, so trust your instincts.

Baby Moves Around In Crib While Sleeping: Takeaway

So to conclude, if your baby moves around in crib while sleeping, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s perfectly normal and even healthy for their development. 

I know it can be worrisome, especially if you think they can hit their head or have their legs stuck between the crib rails. But for the most part, they will be fine.

My kid started moving while sleeping when she was around 3 to 4 months old. Which was the age she was also learning how to roll. At first I was a little bit worried but as I’ve researched about it and saw how she was meeting developmental milestones and that most importantly, she could turn her head independently, I knew then she would be alright.

Just remember to follow safe sleep guidelines to ensure a secure sleeping environment and consult your doctor if you have any concerns.

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