Lowering Crib Mattress to Floor (Step-by-Step Guide To Keep Your Baby Safe)

Lowering crib mattress to floor is a common issue among parents with a little climber who’s not yet ready for a toddler bed.

I have a little cheeky monkey myself, and when she started climbing out of her crib when she turned one, I felt like I had no choice but to transition her to a floor bed.

But it was a very hard, and very frustrating transition.

So if your little one is not yet ready to get out of the crib but not yet ready for a floor bed either, a lowered crib mattress on the floor inside the crib is your best bet to keep them safe.

But is it really okay to lower the crib mattress on the floor? You’ll find out in this article.

Lowering Crib Mattress to Floor: Is it Really Safe?

Lowering a crib mattress to the floor inside the crib is a practice that parents consider when their kid is attempting to climb out of the crib but is not yet ready for a toddler or floor bed.

It’s safe if done right and it can become your safest bet in keeping your little one inside the crib.

When To Lower Crib Mattress Setting

There are two stages to look out for if you’re wondering when you can lower the crib’s mattress setting.

The first is when your baby starts sitting up. 

It’s a good time to lower the mattress to the middle setting as this prevents them from accidentally falling out. 

The second stage is when your baby begins pulling up.

That’s a sign for you to adjust the crib’s mattress to the lowest setting. This keeps them secure as they explore their newfound standing skills.

How to Put Baby Into a Lowered Crib Mattress

How to put your baby in a lowered crib mattress can be tricky if you’re a petite mom. But the easiest way though is to use an aerobic fitness step or wide step stool.

You can check various ways and methods of how to lower your baby safely in this crib hacks for short moms here.

When To Lower Crib Mattress To The Floor Inside The Crib

You can lower the crib mattress to the floor inside the crib if your baby is taller than 35 inches, or toddler is attempting to climb out of the crib.

A lowered floor crib mattress inside the crib is the best option for your child if they are not ready yet for a toddler or Montessori floor bed.

How to Lower Crib Mattress to the Floor Inside the Crib

Transitioning your baby’s crib mattress to the floor inside the crib can provide a cozy and secure sleep space as they grow. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make this adjustment safely and effectively.

Step 1: Check the Crib Design

Before making any changes, ensure that your crib is designed to allow the mattress to be placed directly on the floor. 

Some cribs have adjustable base supports that can be removed or set to the lowest position to accommodate this change.

Step 2: Remove the Base Support

If your crib has an adjustable base support, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions to remove it. 

If you’re not handy with tools, better ask your spouse or hire someone to do this for you.

Step 3: Ensure Proper Ventilation

To promote airflow and prevent moisture buildup, consider placing a firm and flat surface, such as a thin mattress or a piece of cardboard, under the crib mattress. 

This will help maintain a comfortable and hygienic sleep environment for your baby.

Step 4: Adjust Bedding and Surroundings

Once the mattress is lowered to the floor, make sure the bedding and surroundings are safe and comfortable. 

Avoid using soft and fluffy bedding items that could pose a suffocation risk. You might want to place a soft rug or playmat around the mattress to create a cushioned area.

Step 5: Test for Stability

Gently press down on the mattress in different areas to ensure that it’s stable and securely in place. This will help prevent any shifting or movement during your baby’s sleep.

Step 6: Regular Check-ins

As with any changes in your baby’s sleep environment, it’s essential to monitor how your baby responds to the new setup. 

Regularly check the mattress’s positioning and your baby’s comfort to make sure they are sleeping soundly and safely.

What to Put Under the Crib Mattress on the Floor

Consider using a firm and flat surface, like a thin mattress or a large piece of cardboard, under the crib mattress when it’s placed directly on the floor. 

This helps maintain airflow and provides support.

I use our playmat and place it under one side of our mattress to promote airflow under it.

How to Put Toddler into Lowered Crib Mattress On The Floor

Putting a sleeping toddler into a lowered crib mattress on the floor can be quite difficult and not ideal.

So the best thing that you can do is to put them in the crib awake. Or slightly drowsy.

Tell them beforehand why you need to lower the crib mattress to the floor and what the new sleeping arrangement for them will be.

Guide them gently onto the mattress and encourage them to lie down comfortably.

Risks of Putting Crib Mattress on Floor Inside the Crib

While placing a crib mattress on the floor inside the crib can offer certain benefits, it’s important to be aware of potential risks and considerations. 

Here are some risks to keep in mind:

  • Airflow and Moisture

Placing the crib mattress directly on the floor can restrict proper airflow around the mattress. This might lead to moisture buildup between the mattress and the floor, potentially creating an environment conducive to mold or mildew growth. Adequate airflow is essential for maintaining a healthy sleep environment.

  • Hygiene and Cleanliness

With the mattress near the floor, there’s an increased likelihood of dust, dirt, and debris finding their way onto the mattress. Regular cleaning and vacuuming of the floor become crucial to ensure that the sleep space remains clean and hygienic.

  • Temperature Regulation

Elevating the mattress slightly off the floor can help with temperature regulation. When placed directly on the floor, the mattress might absorb the cooler temperature of the floor, potentially causing discomfort for your baby.

  • Accessibility

While a mattress on the floor can make it easier for toddlers to get in and out, it might be more challenging for parents to reach down and pick up their baby or toddler. This could lead to strain on your back or other discomfort.

  • Safety Concerns

Depending on the design of the crib, placing the mattress directly on the floor might create gaps or spaces between the mattress and the crib’s sides. These gaps could pose safety risks, especially if your baby rolls or moves around during sleep.

How to Transition from Crib to Mattress on Floor

As your child gets older, transitioning from a crib to a mattress on the floor can be a big step. You can read my step-by-step guide here on how to transition your toddler from a crib to a Montessori floor bed.

Baby Safe Sleeping Guide

Always remember to follow safe sleeping practices, regardless of whether the crib mattress is on the floor or in the crib. 

Lay your baby on their back, avoid soft bedding, and make sure that your baby is not too cold or too hot.

FAQ on Lower Crib Mattress to Floor

Can you put crib mattress on floor

Yes, you put crib mattress on the floor. It would have depend though on your baby’s developmental stage.

When should I lower my crib mattress to the floor?

You can lower your crib mattress to the floor when your baby starts sitting up and pulling up.

How high should a crib mattress be for a newborn?

The crib mattress for a newborn should be set at the highest position and just adjust as they grow.

How much should you lower a crib?

Lower it to the middle setting when your baby sits up, and to the lowest setting when they start pulling up.

Lowering Crib Mattress to Floor: Takeaway

The bottom line is, that it’s perfectly okay to lower the crib mattress to the floor, as long as your baby will be safe in it.

So test it out first before letting your little one sleep on it, like how this dad did it (as suggested by the mom, lol)

lowered crib mattress to the floor inside the crib

pic from community.babycenter.com

I hope you find this “lowering crib mattress to floor” article useful. 

If you like this guide, then make sure to check out my articles on 18 Ways To End Toddler Bedtime Battles and Tantrums, Co-Sleeping With A Toddler, and Baby Moves Around In Crib While Sleeping (Why And What To Do About It).
