How to Keep Baby Warm in Bassinet (9 Effective Ways)

It’s kinda crazy to think of all the seemingly small yet necessary things we need to do, to keep our little ones safe and comfortable. 

For instance, how to keep baby warm in bassinet is a topic that’s not covered in most prenatal classes but is important for new parents to know.

Not knowing what to and what NOT to do, could mean life or death for your little one. And I’m not exaggerating here!

But before we go through the ways on how to keep the bassinet warm for your baby, let’s discuss an important related aspect about it first.

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What’s the Ideal Room Temperature for a Baby to Sleep In?

The ideal room temperature for a baby to sleep in is between 68°F to 72°F (20°C to 22°C).

This temperature range provides the perfect balance of comfort and safety for your baby.

However, it’s important to remember that every baby is unique.

Some babies tend to feel colder, while others might easily get warmer.

This is something to keep in mind when considering adjustments to the air conditioning or deciding whether to add or remove layers of clothing for your baby.

How to Keep Baby Warm in Bassinet

Here are some tips on how to keep the bassinet warm for your baby:

Place Bassinet in Ideal Room Location

Position the bassinet in an appropriate, ideal location in the nursery room or your bedroom.

Choose an area away from drafts and direct sunlight. 

This prevents chilly breezes from disturbing your baby’s restful sleep.

Set the Room Temperature Right

Invest in a reliable room thermometer to monitor the temperature consistently. 

Using a space heater or air conditioner can help you maintain the ideal room temperature, ensuring your baby’s comfort throughout the night.

Dress Baby for the Weather

Dressing your baby in layers is a smart way to regulate their body temperature. 

Opt for breathable, cozy fabrics like cotton. 

Use a onesie as a base layer and then layer up if necessary.

Use a Sleep Sack or Swaddle

Sleep sacks and swaddles are fantastic tools to cocoon your baby in comfort. 

These snug wraps keep your baby feeling secure while preventing any loose blankets that might pose a suffocation risk.

SwaddleMe by Ingenuity Pod (I’ve personally used these and they are uh-mazing, Omg, I suddenly remember those sleepless nights and the newborn sleep deprivation lol. Anyway, this has worked for my baby and hopefully, will also work for yours.)

Related Article: What Should Baby Wear Under Swaddle or Sleep Sack?

Preheat the Bassinet

Warming up the bassinet before placing your baby inside can make a significant difference. 

Use a hot water bottle or a microwaveable heating pad and place it in the bassinet for a few minutes to create a cozy spot for your little one.

Keep Bassinet Dry & Warm

Make sure your baby’s bedding is dry and warm. 

Moisture can make your baby feel cold, so always check and change their diapers if necessary before putting your baby down to sleep.

Check also for spilled milk, liquid, or anything that can make their sleeping area damp.

Cover Your Baby’s Hands

If necessary, consider using mittens or socks to cover their hands if you feel that they’re getting too cold to the touch or if your baby seems uncomfortable from the cold.

Observe Your Baby

Your baby’s comfort is your best guide. 

Regularly check the back of their neck, their back, or tummy to ensure they’re not too hot or too cold.

Use a Firm Mattress

A firm mattress is not only safe for your baby’s sleep but also helps to regulate their body temperature effectively.

Safety Guidelines for Keeping Bassinet Warm

Never Use a Blanket

While blankets may seem cozy, they pose a suffocation risk. 

Stick to sleep sacks, swaddles, or wearable blankets for your baby’s warmth.

Check out some tips here on what to do if your newborn hates their swaddle.

Always Check Preheated Bassinet

Before placing your baby in the preheated bassinet, make sure it’s not too hot. 

Use your hand to gauge the temperature – it should feel comfortably warm, not hot.

How Do I Know If My Baby Is Warm Enough at Night?

You can tell if your baby is warm enough at night by observing and feeling your baby’s skin. If your baby feels warm to the touch and isn’t sweaty or clammy, they’re likely at a comfortable temperature.

Here are more ways to keep your baby comfortably cool at night.

What Should I Do on Freezing Nights?

On colder nights, you can layer your baby’s clothing and use a slightly thicker sleep sack. Remember, it’s easier to remove layers if your baby gets too warm.

Dangers of Baby Overheating

While keeping your baby warm is essential, it’s crucial to be aware of the dangers of overheating. Overheating can lead to serious health risks and discomfort for your little one. Here’s why it’s important to prevent overheating:

  • Increased Risk of SIDS

Babies who are too hot may have trouble regulating their breathing and sleep patterns, making them more susceptible to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

  • Breathing and Oxygen Issues

A baby’s breathing rate can increase, causing them to lose more carbon dioxide. This can affect their ability to breathe properly and take in enough oxygen, potentially leading to respiratory problems.

  • Dehydration and Disrupted Electrolyte Balance

Excessive heat can cause your baby to sweat excessively, leading to dehydration and an imbalance of important electrolytes in the body. This can result in irritability, weakness, and other health issues.

  • Irritability and Sleep Disruption

Overheating can make your baby restless and irritable, disrupting their sleep patterns and overall well-being. 

This can lead to frequent waking during the night and affect their growth and development.

  • Skin Irritation and Rashes

Hot and humid conditions can cause heat rashes and skin irritation in babies. 

Their sensitive skin is prone to discomfort, itchiness, and rashes when exposed to prolonged heat and moisture.

Signs of Baby Overheating

  • Flushed skin
  • Excessive sweating
  • Rapid breathing

If you notice any of these signs, quickly remove a layer of clothing or adjust the room temperature.

Dangers of Baby Freezing

Freezing temperatures can also pose serious risks to your baby’s health and well-being. Here’s why it’s crucial to prevent your baby from getting too cold:

  • Hypothermia and Temperature Regulation

Exposing your baby to freezing temperatures can quickly lead to hypothermia, a dangerous condition where the body loses heat faster than it can produce it. This can cause a drop in core body temperature and put stress on their tiny body.

  • Weakened Immune System

Extreme cold can weaken your baby’s immune system, making them more susceptible to illnesses like colds, flu, and respiratory infections. 

They may struggle to fight off these infections effectively.

  • Respiratory Distress

Cold air can irritate a baby’s delicate airways, potentially leading to respiratory distress. 

Babies who are too cold might experience rapid breathing and difficulty catching their breath.

  • Discomfort and Restlessness

When your baby is too cold, they may become restless, fussy, and have trouble settling down. This can disrupt their sleep patterns and impact their overall mood and development.

  • Frostbite and Skin Damage

In extreme situations, your baby can get frostbite, which can lead to damage to your baby’s delicate skin, causing pain, swelling, and potential long-term effects.

Signs of Baby Getting Too Cold

  • Baby appears uncomfortable
  • Shivering
  • Baby’s face, hands, and feet feel cold

Check out here some tips on what to do if your baby feels too cold.

How to Keep Bassinet Warm: FAQ

What if the bassinet is too cold for the baby?

If the bassinet feels too cold for the baby, adjust the air conditioner. Or use a preheated hot water bottle or heating pad to warm it up, then check the bassinet before placing your baby inside.

How do I keep my baby warm at night in the bassinet?

To keep your baby warm at night in the bassinet, dress them in layers, use sleep sacks, and preheat the bassinet for a cozy sleep environment.

How do you know if your baby is too cold while sleeping?

You can easily tell if your baby is too cold while sleeping by feeling their skin. If it’s cold to the touch, they might be too cold. Adjust their clothing or add a layer if needed.

Is it safe to put a heating pad in a bassinet?

No, it’s not safe to use a heating pad in the bassinet. Remember to always remove it when preheating the bassinet and check if it’s too warm before putting your baby in the bassinet.

Can you use a blanket in a bassinet?

No, it’s not safe to use a blanket in the bassinet for your baby, due to the risk of suffocation. Opt for sleep sacks or swaddles instead.

Do babies need to be kept warm?

Yes, babies need to be kept warm, but finding the right balance is key. Overheating or excessive cold can be harmful.

Can I use a heater in my baby’s room?

Yes, you can use a heater to maintain a comfortable room temperature. Ensure the heater is placed away from the baby’s reach and is not overheating the room.

How can I keep my baby warm at night without swaddling?

You can keep your baby warm at night without swaddling by adding layers of clothing or adjusting the air conditioner.

How can I keep my baby’s room warm at night?

You can keep the baby’s room warm at night by using a room thermometer and consider using a space heater or adjusting the central heating system.

Guidelines for Safe Sleep for Babies

Remember, your baby’s safety is paramount. Follow the guidelines provided by reputable organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics to ensure a secure sleep environment.

Always place your baby on their back for sleep – this is the safest sleeping position. 

Place your baby on a firm and flat sleep surface, such as a crib mattress that meets safety standards. 

Keep the sleeping area free from pillows, blankets, bumper pads, and soft toys. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends room-sharing without bed-sharing for at least the first six months. 

Dress your baby in light, breathable clothing and maintain a comfortable room temperature (68°F to 72°F or 20°C to 22°C).

Takeaway: How to Keep Baby Warm in Bassinet

I hope this list and ways on how to keep baby warm in bassinet has helped provide your little one the comfort and warmth they need for a restful sleep. 

Remember, it’s all about finding the perfect balance and being attentive to your baby’s cues. 

If you like this guide, then make sure to check out Do I Need a Bassinet? (What New Parents Need To Know), Swaddling a Baby, and Best Baby Sleep Products.
